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Live-In Care

What Is Live-In Care?


Live-in care means a caregiver lives in your home, short term or long term to help you receive the maximum support without leaving your own home. It provides constant caregiver assistance for you and your loved one, especially after a surgical procedure and your loved one would rather recover at home. It provides safety in the comfort of your own home where you or your loved one is most familiar for someone who is or starting to become confused. 


How Does Live-In Care Work?


Under the FLSA, the Federal Labor Standard Act, live-in caregiver work a ten (10) hour day. Live-in caregivers must have right (8) hours of sleep, at least (5) hours of which is uninterrupted sleep. In addition, the live-in caregiver must have three (3) hours total uninterrupted time for meals and three (3) hours total uninterrupted for breaks. Live-in caregivers are required to have their own bedroom, storage space for their belongings and all meals are to be provided by the client. Many live-in caregivers drive and can accompany your loved one to appointments or go grocery shopping. If you prefer, a caregiver can drive your car or their own. Remember, there is a difference between live-in and 24-hour home care.


Traditional 24-Hour Care:


With 24-hours home care, Our Hearts Home Care & Staffing provides clients with full-time care, seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day. Shifts are carried out by several caregivers to complete 24-hrs of care. Typically caregivers rotate shifts 8 hours or 12 hours at a time, this way the caregiver is always awake for your loved one. Live-in caregivers are entitled to 8 hours of sleep, so if the needs are too great to accommodate sleep, you might choose traditional 24-hour care. 

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